Safe Spaces Action Team

Increasing youths' sense of belonging and inclusivity ensuring mental, physical, and emotional wellbeing.

Montezuma County

Our Approach

The Safe Spaces Action Team conducted a county-wide survey to gather youth input to help our community make more youth-friendly spaces across Montezuma County. The questions asked in the survey were meant to expand our understanding of where youth like to spend time, what spaces are considered safe and unsafe, and what qualities exist in safe and unsafe spaces. The survey results informed all of the strategies and activities below.

Strategy #1

Increase the number of trusted adults in Montezuma County

Key Actions

Creation of a community-wide training framework to provide free youth centered trainings to adult staff of youth-serving organizations

Providing free trainings to the community and directly to locations where youth currently spend time, such as the Cortez Rec Center and the libraries

Gathering information of available trainings in the community to best support mental health

Strategy #2

Improve community spaces in which youth currently spend time

Key Actions

Improvements of the Mancos Skate Park including gravel removal and replacement of equipment

Creation of outdoor Teen Space at the Dolores Public Library and the Cortez Rec Center

Improvement of Teen Space at the Cortez Public Library including new furniture and charging stations

Strategy #3

Increase youth participation and engagement in community spaces

Key Actions

Youth Scavenger Hunt: creation of the Montezuma County Scavenger Hunt to promote youth hangout spaces and activities across the county through a partnership with SCYC’s Youth Activity Calendar. Youth can win prizes for checking out new activities available to them; See details for participation below!

Youth Community Coalition Internship: Through a partnership with School Community Youth Collaborative, Communities that Care, and Montezuma Inspire Coalition, an internship position was developed to gather youth input for 3 youth focused community coalitions that would like youth input to inform their work. The position will start early January 2023.

Supporting programming with funding STEAM programs at the Dolores Public Library, Teen Nights with Mancos Youth Alliance, and afterschool programs with SCYC at Southwest Open school


Find youth activities on the Youth Activity Calendar!